Source code for utils

import pyparsing as pp

# ccrawl low-level utilities:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct_letters = {
    "...": None,
    "void": "?",
    "char": "s",
    "short": "h",
    "int": "i",
    "long": "l",
    "long long": "q",
    "float": "f",
    "double": "d",
    "ssize_t": "n",
    "size_t": "N",
    "wchar_t": "L",

# C and C++ type declaration parsers:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# notes:
# this part of ccrawl was a coding nightmare...I was aware that parsing C is
# difficult and this was precisely why I'd use clang. Still, libclang's AST
# only provides the C type string. I first thought it was going to be easy to
# correctly parse this "simple" subpart of C...well, its not. And for C++ its
# even worse! Try playing with and see how funny this can be ;)
# ccrawl C type parser is implemented with below 'nested_c' pyparsing object.
# It captures nested parenthesis expressions that allows to define complex C
# types that represent pointer-to array-of ... function prototypes returning a
# C type.
# definitions for objecttype --------------------------------------------------
# the elementary type related to the parsed string.
# define 'raw' types:
unsigned = pp.Keyword("unsigned") | pp.Keyword("signed")
const = pp.Keyword("const")
volatile = pp.Keyword("volatile")
noexcept = pp.Keyword("noexcept")
prefix = pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.Or((const, volatile, unsigned)))
cvqual = pp.Or((const, volatile, const + volatile, noexcept))
T = [pp.Keyword(t) for t in struct_letters]
rawtypes = pp.Optional(prefix) + pp.Or(T)
# define pointer indicators:
pstars = pp.Group(pp.Regex(r"\*+") + pp.Optional(const, default=""))
ampers = pp.Regex("&+")
# define structured types (struct,union,enum):
symbol = pp.Regex(r"[?]?[A-Za-z_:<>][A-Za-z0-9_:<>$]*")
structured = pp.oneOf("struct union enum class")
strucdecl = pp.Optional(prefix) + pp.Optional(structured) + symbol
# define objecttype:
objecttype = pp.Or([rawtypes, strucdecl])
# define arrays:
intp = pp.Regex(r"[1-9][0-9]*")
intp.setParseAction(lambda r: int(r[0]))
bitfield = pp.Optional(prefix) + symbol + pp.Suppress("#") + intp
arraydecl = pp.Suppress("[") + intp + pp.Suppress("]")
arrazdecl = pp.Suppress("[") + pp.Or((intp, symbol)) + pp.Suppress("]")
pointer = pp.Optional(pstars, default="") + pp.Optional(arraydecl, default=0)
pointerxx = pp.Optional(ampers, default="") + pp.Optional(arrazdecl, default=0)
cvref = pp.Or((cvqual, ampers))
# definitions for nested_c ----------------------------------------------------
# nested_c captures "pointer to function/array" part of the declaration.
# this is the tricky part due to the nesting mix of pointer grouping vs.
# function prototyping using both parenthesis as delimiters!
nested_par = pp.nestedExpr(content=pp.Regex(r"[^()]+"), ignoreExpr=None)
nested_c = pp.OneOrMore(nested_par)

[docs]class c_type(object): """ The c_type object parses a C type string and decomposes it into several parts. The parser is implemented with below 'nested_c' pyparsing object. It captures nested parenthesis expressions that allows to define complex C types that represent pointer-to array-of ... function prototypes returning a C type. Attributes: lbase (str): base typename lbfw (int): type has a bitfield length (0 means type is not a bitfield) lconst (bool): type has a 'const' keyword unsigned (bool): type has an 'unsigned' keyword volatile (bool): type has a 'volatile' keyword pstack (list): list of "pointers stack" (see :ref:`pstack` function) is_ptr (bool): True if the pstack contains a :class:`ptr` object. dim (int): dimension if the type is an array (or 0.) """ def __init__(self, decl): # get final element type: bf = decl.rfind("#") if bf > 0: try: x = bitfield.parseString(decl) except Exception: x, r = (pp.Group(objecttype) + pp.restOfLine).parseString(decl[:bf]) self.lbfw = 0 else: r = "" self.lbfw = x.pop() else: x, r = (pp.Group(objecttype) + pp.restOfLine).parseString(decl) self.lbfw = 0 lbase = [] self.lconst = self.lunsigned = self.lvolatile = False for w in x: if w == "const": self.lconst = True elif w == "unsigned": self.lunsigned = True elif w == "signed": pass elif w == "volatile": self.lvolatile = True else: lbase.append(w) self.lbase = " ".join(lbase) r = r.replace("[]", "*") r = "(%s)" % r try: nest = nested_c.parseString(r).asList()[0] except Exception as e: print("c_type: error while parsing '%s'" % r) raise e self.pstack = pstack(nest, self.__class__) @property def is_ptr(self): return ptr in [type(p) for p in self.pstack] @property def dim(self): if self.pstack: p = self.pstack[-1] if isinstance(p, arr): return p.a return 0 def __repr__(self): s = ["<%s" % self.__class__.__name__] s.extend(reversed([str(p) for p in self.pstack])) if self.lconst: s.append("const ") if self.lunsigned: s.append("unsigned ") s.append("{0.lbase}>".format(self)) return " ".join(s)
[docs] def show_base(self, kw=False, ns=False): """ returns the string that represents the base type with possibly additional 'const' and 'unsigned' keywords (if kw is True) and namespace(s) indicators (if ns is True). """ s = [self.lbase] if self.lunsigned: s.insert(0, "unsigned") if self.lconst: s.insert(0, "const") return " ".join(s)
[docs] def show_ptr(self, name): """ returns the string that represents the pointers stack, with optional name parameter used as the name of the function (in case of a prototype). """ s = name stripok = False for p in reversed(self.pstack): if p.is_ptr: s = "({}{})".format(p, s) stripok = True else: s = "{}{}".format(s, str(p)) stripok = False if stripok: s = s[1:-1] return s
[docs] def show(self, name=""): """ returns the string that represents full type with optional name parameter for a function's prototype. """ extra = " : %d" % self.lbfw if self.lbfw else "" s = ("%s %s" % (self.show_base(), self.show_ptr(name))).strip() return s + extra
# C++ type declaration parser: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class cxx_type(c_type): """ cxx_type extends c_type with extracting the namespace parts of the fully qualified name of the C++ type. """ def __init__(self, decl): super().__init__(decl) # get namespaces: = "" self.ns = "" k = self.lbase.find(" ") if k > 0: = self.lbase[:k] x = self.lbase.rfind("::") if x > 0: self.ns = self.lbase[k + 1 : x + 2] @property def is_method(self): return fargs in [type(p) for p in self.pstack]
[docs] def show_base(self, kw=False, ns=False): lbase = self.lbase if not kw: lbase = lbase.replace(, "", 1) if not ns: lbase = lbase.replace(self.ns, "", 1) s = [lbase] if self.lunsigned: s.insert(0, "unsigned") if self.lconst: s.insert(0, "const") return " ".join(s).strip()
[docs] def show_ptr(self, name): s = name stripok = False for p in reversed(self.pstack): if p.is_ptr: s = "({}{})".format(p, s) stripok = True else: s = "{}{}".format(s, str(p)) stripok = False if stripok: s = s[1:-1] return s
[docs] def show(self, name="", kw=True, ns=True): extra = " : %d" % self.lbfw if self.lbfw else "" s = ("%s %s" % (self.show_base(kw, ns), self.show_ptr(name))).strip() return s + extra
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ptr(object): """ Object that represents a series of pointer (aka stars) possibly with additional 'const' keyword. Attributes: p (str): list of '*' chars that represent the C pointers const (str): 'const' keyword or None. """ def __init__(self, p, c): self.is_ptr = True self.p, self.const = p, c def __str__(self): sfx = "%s " % self.const if self.const else "" return "{}{}".format(self.p, sfx)
[docs]class arr(object): """ Object that represents an array indicator. Attributes: a (int): dimension of the array """ def __init__(self, a): self.is_ptr = False self.a = a def __str__(self): return "[%s]" % self.a
[docs]class fargs(object): """ Object that represents the arguments list of a function prototype. Attributes: f (str): the arguments part of a function prototype args (list): the list of arguments """ def __init__(self, f): self.is_ptr = False self.f = f @property def args(self): f = nested_par.parseString(self.f) A = [] for x in f.asList()[0]: if not isinstance(x, list): A.extend(x.split(",")) else: r = A.pop() r += flatten(x) A.append(r) return list(filter(None, A)) def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, "cvr"): return "%s %s" % (self.f, self.cvr) return self.f
[docs]def pstack(plist, cls=c_type): """returns the 'stack' of pointers-to array-N-of pointer-to function() returning pointer to function() returning ...""" cxx = cls == cxx_type S = [] cvr = "" if plist: if not isinstance(plist[0], list): # we are declaring either a pointer or array, # or an array of pointers to previously stacked objs p0 = plist[0] p, a = pointer.parseString(p0) if p: S.append(ptr(*p)) if a: S.append(arr(a)) if not (p or a): if cxx: r, a = pointerxx.parseString(p0) if r: S.append(ptr(r[0], "")) if a: S.append(arr(a)) plist.pop(0) else: S.append(fargs(flatten(plist))) plist = [] else: plist.pop(0) if len(plist) == 1 and len(plist[0]) == 0: S.append(fargs("()")) return S if len(plist) > 1: r = plist.pop() if not isinstance(r, list): try: r = arraydecl.parseString(r)[0] S.append(arr(r)) except pp.ParseException: if cxx: cvr = cvref.parseString(r)[0] else: S.append(fargs(flatten(r))) if plist: if len(plist) == 1 and not cvr: plist = plist[0] S.extend(pstack(plist)) if cvr: if len(S) > 0: S[-1].cvr = cvr else: print("cvr %s but S is empty!" % cvr) return S
def flatten(args): s = [] for x in args: if not isinstance(x, list): s.append(x) else: s.append(flatten(x)) return "(%s)" % (" ".join(s)) def indent(txt, l=4): L = [] for x in txt.split("\n"): if x: x = l + x L.append(x) return "\n".join(L)