Source code for graphs

from ccrawl.utils import struct_letters, c_type, cxx_type
from ccrawl.db import where
from ccrawl.core import ccore

from grandalf.graphs import Graph,Vertex,Edge
from grandalf.layouts import SugiyamaLayout

[docs]class Node(Vertex): """A Node is a grandalf.Vertex equipped with a label property an improved __repr__ method that displays the Vertex's data and type of data (a ccore instance or a str) and a loc method that reports its index within the graph (unless its not yet part of a graph.) """ @property def label(self): if if hasattr(,'identifier'): return else: return return None def is_ccore(self): return (ccore in def loc(self,pre=""): i = self.index if i is None: si = hex(id(self)) else: si = "%s%d"%(pre,i) return si def __repr__(self): i = self.loc("v") n = self.label if n is None: return "<Node %s, data: None>"%i else: t = return "<Node %s, data: '%s' (%s)>"%(i,n,t)
[docs]class CGraph(Graph): """A CGraph is a grandalf.Graph equipped with a an improved __repr__ method. """ def __repr__(self): return "<CGraph @ %s, C: %s>"%(hex(id(self)),str([g.order() for g in self.C]))
[docs]def build(obj,db,V=None,g=None): """ This function takes a ccrawl.core object and a db.Proxy and returns the dependency graph of this object as a CGraph instance. Optional arguments V and g allow to extend the current dict of Node (V) and a CGraph (g) from another given object. """ obj.unfold(db) if V is None: V = {} if g is None: g = CGraph() do_graph(obj,V,g) return g
[docs]def do_graph(obj,V,g): """ This function takes an unfolded ccrawl.core object, a dict V of Nodes (acting a the current cache set of Nodes created so far for this graph), and a CGraph instance g. It "fills" g with new Link edges (and thus new Nodes as well) by walking the given cStruct/cUnion/cTypedef object and instanciating new Nodes and Links based on the corresponding subtypes and names. """ # get/add Node obj to V dict: if obj.identifier in V: v = V[obj.identifier] else: v = Node(obj) V[obj.identifier] = v if obj._is_struct or obj._is_union: # we walk the struct/union fields to # set the edge's data from the field's accessor def _walk(o): for (t,n,c) in o: ct = c_type(t) elt = ct.lbase # we ignore raw C types (int, float, ...) if elt in o.subtypes: # get the ccore oect for this type: x = o.subtypes[elt] yield (elt,x,ct.show_ptr(n)) else: # otherwise we walk from the subtypes: def _walk(o): for elt,x in o.subtypes.items(): # (ignoring raw C types also) if elt in o.subtypes: if o._is_typedef: ct = c_type(o) l = ct.show_ptr("") else: l = None x = o.subtypes[elt] yield (elt,x,l) for (elt,x,accessor) in _walk(obj): # get/create destination node: if elt in V: vd = V[elt] else: vd = Node(x) if is None: # the type of this field was not found in database # we use its literal as vertex data... = elt # create link e = Link(v,vd,data=accessor) # add link to graph g.add_edge(e) # if not done already, add node and recurse if possible: if elt not in V: V[elt] = vd if x is not None: assert assert x.identifier==elt do_graph(x,V,g)
[docs]def get_typegraph_cycles_params(g,r=None): """ For a given CGraph g, returns the "cycles" found in this graph as a dict where the key is a root Node for a cycle, and the value is a list of cycles. Each cycle is defined as a tuple of "accessors" that correspond to all Links' data values that returns back to the root Node. """ X = {} for gc in g.C: L = gc.get_scs_with_feedback() for l in L: sz = len(l) if sz>1: # the strongly connect component is non trivial... # lets compute its cycles: p = get_scs_params(l) if p is not None: X.update(p) return X
from itertools import tee
[docs]def get_scs_params(l): """ For a given list of Nodes that form a strongly connected component of a graph, compute all cycles from the initial (root) Node. """ def pairwise(it): a,b = tee(it) next(b,None) return zip(a,b) params = set() if len(l)>0: v0 = l[0] D = v0.c.dijkstra(v0,+1,subset=l) for vd,d in D.items(): if d>0.0: P = [] p = v0.c.path(v0,vd,+1) + v0.c.path(vd,v0,+1)[1:] assert len(p)>2 for x,y in pairwise(p): e = x.e_to(y) P.append( or '') params.add(tuple(P)) return {v0: params}
[docs]def get_cycles(obj,db,psize=4): """ For a given ccrawl.core object, compute its dependency graph "cycles". """ g = build(obj,db) X = get_typegraph_cycles_params(g) R = {} for v0,params in X.items(): RL = [] for P in params: RL.append(get_cycle_offsets(v0,db,P,psize)) R[] = RL return R
def parse_accessor(s): i = s.rfind("[") if i>0: a,s = s[i:],s[:i] a = int(a[1:-1]) else: a = 0 if s.startswith("*"): i = s.rindex("*")+1 p,s = s[:i],s[i:] else: p = '' i = 0 return (p,s,a) from ccrawl.ext import amoco
[docs]def get_cycle_offsets(node,db,P,psize): """ For a given cycle P, associated to a root node, return the list of (offset,name) or deref operator '*' that correspond to this cycle. """ def offset_of(obj,db,el,psize): i = obj.index_of(el) if db.rdb: _id = db.rdb.db["nodes"].find_one({"id": obj.identifier})["_id"] col = db.rdb.db["structs_ptr%d"%(psize*8)] j = col.find_one({"_id": _id}) if j and i is not None: return j["offsets"][i] # otherwise we need to build the struct: ax =,db)() return ax.offsets(psize)[i] r = [] cur = node for el in P: p,s,a = parse_accessor(el) if s: i = offset_of(,db,s,psize) r.append((i[0],s)) r.extend(list(p)) for e in cur.e_out(): if cur = e.v[1] return r