Source code for db

import requests
import click
from tinydb.storages import JSONStorage, MemoryStorage
from tinydb.middlewares import CachingMiddleware
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query, where

This module implements all classes that allow to interact with the various databases
that are supported by ccrawl. The idea was to allow ccrawl to work either in 'local'
mode with a TinyDB database stored as a json file, or in 'remote' mode with a MongoDB
database suited for querying very large sets of documents. 

[docs]class Proxy(object): """ This is the frontend class for interaction with the database. It supports either a local TinyDB database or a remote MongoDB database. Most methods tend to favor interacting with the remote database if present, and fallback to a local database if not. Queries are unified using the TinyDB.Query class, which is *translated* to a native MongoDB query when interacting with the remote database. This has limitations since MongoDB queries are more expressive but we can always use directly the Proxy.rdb instance to avoid this limitation. """ def __init__(self, config): self.c = config self.ldb = None self.rdb = None self.tag = Query().noop() self.req = None if config.local: try: self.ldb = TinyDB(config.local, storage=CachingMiddleware(JSONStorage)) except Exception: self.ldb = TinyDB(storage=MemoryStorage) else: self.ldb = TinyDB(storage=MemoryStorage) if config.url: auth = None if config.user: auth = (config.user, click.prompt("password", hide_input=True)) if config.url.startswith("http"): dbclass = CouchDB elif config.url.startswith("mongodb"): dbclass = MongoDB try: self.rdb = dbclass(config.url, auth=auth, verify=config.verify) except Exception: self.rdb = None
[docs] def set_tag(self, tag=None): """ Sets the global "tag" added to all queries performed by the Proxy to filter the database by document.tag values. """ self.tag = (where("tag") == tag) if (tag is not None) else Query().noop()
[docs] def insert_multiple(self, docs): """ Inserts multiple documents in the *local* database only. """ self.ldb.insert_multiple(docs)
[docs] def contains(self, q=None, **kargs): """ Returns True if the provided query 'q' matches a document (on the filtered by self.tag set of document from remote if present otherwise local.) """ if q is None: q = self.tag for k in kargs: q &= where(k) == kargs[k] if self.rdb and not self.c.localonly: return self.rdb.contains(q._hash, **kargs) return self.ldb.contains(q)
[docs] def search(self, q=None, **kargs): """ Returns the list of documents matching the provided query 'q' (on the filtered by self.tag set of document from remote if present otherwise local.) """ if q is None: q = self.tag else: q = self.tag & q for k in kargs: q &= where(k) == kargs[k] if self.rdb and not self.c.localonly: return list(, **kargs)) return
[docs] def get(self, q=None, **kargs): """ Returns the first document matching the provided query 'q' (on the filtered by self.tag set of document from remote if present otherwise local.) """ if q is None: q = self.tag for k in kargs: q &= where(k) == kargs[k] if self.rdb and not self.c.localonly: return self.rdb.get(q._hash, **kargs) return self.ldb.get(q)
[docs] def cleanup_local(self): """ Removes duplicates from the *local* database only. (Documents are considered duplicates if their "id" and "val" attributes are equal.) """ D = {} for e in k = "%s := %s" % (e["id"], e["val"]) if not k in D: D[k] = [e.doc_id] else: D[k].append(e.doc_id) for v in D.values(): if len(v) > 1: self.ldb.remove(doc_ids=v[1:])
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Wrapper for remote cleanup method. """ self.rdb.cleanup(self)
[docs] def find_matching_types(self, Locs, req=None, psize=0): """ Wrapper for find_matching_types method. """ if self.rdb and not self.c.localonly: self.rdb.find_matching_types(Locs, req, psize) else: click.secho("find_matching_types is not supported for local database",fg='red') return Locs
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the *local* database only. """ self.ldb.close()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CouchDB(object): def __init__(self, url, auth=None, verify=True): self.url = url self.verify = verify self.session = requests.Session() if auth: self.session.auth = auth r = self.session.get(self.url, verify=self.verify) r.raise_for_status() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class MongoDB(object): """ This class implements the interface with a mongodb server. The database used is named "ccrawl", and documents are all stored in the "nodes" collection. Collections struct_ptr32 and struct_ptr64 are used to precompute structures' offsets assuming respective pointer size of 32 bits and 64 bits. """ def __init__(self, url, auth=None, verify=True): from pymongo import MongoClient self.url = url self.client = MongoClient(url) self.db = self.client.get_database("ccrawl") def __repr__(self): return u"<MongoDB [%s]>" % self.url def _where(self, q): "Translate a TinyDB.Query into a MongoDB request" res = dict() if len(q) > 1: op = q[0] if op == "exists": res[q[1][0]] = {"$exists": True} elif op == "==": l, r = q[1][0], q[2] res[l] = r elif op == "matches": l, r = q[1][0], q[2] if l in ("val", "use"): res[l] = {"$all": [r]} else: res[l] = {"$regex": r} elif op == "search": l, r = q[1][0], q[2] res[l] = {"$regex": r} elif op == "and": for x in q[1]: res.update(self._where(x)) elif op == "or": res["$or"] = [self._where(x) for x in q[1]] return res
[docs] def insert_multiple(self, docs): "Calls insert_many on the nodes collection." col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") return col.insert_many(docs)
[docs] def contains(self, q, **kargs): """Calls find on the nodes collection for the given query. with limit set to 1 and returns True if the list is non empty. """ col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") return len(list(col.find(self._where(q)).limit(1))) > 0
[docs] def search(self, q, **kargs): "Calls find on the nodes collection for the given query." col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") return list(col.find(self._where(q)))
[docs] def get(self, q, **kargs): "Calls find_one on the nodes collection for the given query." col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") return col.find_one(self._where(q))
[docs] def cleanup(self, proxy): """ Removes duplicates and their precomputed data in structs_ptr32/64 collections and re-index the database by "id" and "val" fields. """ from pymongo import TEXT click.echo("removing duplicates...", nl=False) self.remove_duplicates() click.echo("done.") click.echo("updating collections of offsets/size for structs...", nl=False) self.cleanup_structs() self.update_structs(proxy) click.echo("done.") col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") click.echo("indexing 'id' and 'val' fields...", nl=False) col.create_index([("id", TEXT), ("val", TEXT)]) click.echo("done.")
[docs] def cleanup_structs(self, **kargs): """ Remove all entries from struct_ptr32/64 collections that don't have a matching _id in the nodes collection. """ for col in (self.db["structs_ptr32"], self.db["structs_ptr64"]): L = [] for s in col.find(): o = self.db["nodes"].find_one({"_id": s["_id"]}) if (o is None) or all((o[k] == v for (k, v) in kargs.items())): L.append(s["_id"]) col.delete_many({"_id": {"$in": L}})
[docs] def cleanup_selected(self, **kargs): """ Remove all entries that matches passed key=value arguments (from all collections.) """ L = [] S = [] for s in self.db["nodes"].find(kargs): L.append(s["_id"]) if s["cls"] == "cStruct": S.append(s["_id"]) if len(S) > 0: self.db["structs_ptr32"].delete_many({"_id": {"$in": S}}) self.db["structs_ptr64"].delete_many({"_id": {"$in": S}}) if len(L) > 0: self.db["nodes"].delete_many({"_id": {"$in": L}})
[docs] def update_structs(self, proxydb, req=None): """ Update the struct_32/64 collections for the given request filtered documents. """ from ccrawl.core import ccore from ccrawl.ext import amoco col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") req = req or {} req.update({"cls": "cStruct"}) s_32 = self.db["structs_ptr32"] s_64 = self.db["structs_ptr64"] for s in col.find(req): click.echo("updating {}".format(s["id"])) i = s["_id"] x = ccore.from_db(s) try: ax =, proxydb)() off32 = ax.offsets(psize=4) tot32 = ax.size(psize=4) off64 = ax.offsets(psize=8) tot64 = ax.size(psize=8) except Exception: continue s_32.update_one( {"_id": i}, {"$set": {"_id": i, "size": tot32, "offsets": off32}}, upsert=True, ) s_64.update_one( {"_id": i}, {"$set": {"_id": i, "size": tot64, "offsets": off64}}, upsert=True, )
[docs] def remove_duplicates(self, **kargs): """ Remove duplicates from the nodes collection. """ col = self.db.get_collection("nodes") L = [{"$match": kargs}] if kargs else [] L += [ { "$group": { "_id": {"id": "$id", "val": "$val"}, "count": {"$sum": 1}, "tbd": {"$push": "$$ROOT._id"}, } }, {"$match": {"count": {"$gt": 1}}}, ] res = col.aggregate(L) for x in res: # click.echo("found {} occurences for {}".format(x["count"], # x["_id"])) col.delete_many({"_id": {"$in": x["tbd"][1:]}})
[docs] def find_matching_types(self, Locs, req=None, psize=0): """ For a given dictionnary of "locations" where the key is an arbitrary name (a stack variable name, etc) and the value is a list of (offset,size) tuples that describe how this local stack variable is accessed within a function, try to find any matching structured type in the database and updates the dict value by adding these typenames. """ if req is None: req = {} psize = psize // 8 or psize if psize == 0: self.find_matching_types(Locs, req, psize=4) self.find_matching_types(Locs, req, psize=8) return col = self.db["structs_ptr%2d" % (psize * 8)] for n, S in Locs.items(): res = col.aggregate( [ {"$match": {"offsets": {"$all": S}}}, { "$lookup": { "from": "nodes", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "node", } }, { "$replaceRoot": { "newRoot": { "$mergeObjects": [ {"$arrayElemAt": ["$node", 0]}, "$$ROOT", ] } } }, {"$project": {"node": 0}}, {"$match": req}, ] ) Locs[n] = (S, [x["id"] for x in res])
[docs] def find_calls_to(self,ref,D=None): """ Find cFunc documents that calls a given ref name. This works only for functions that have been collected with the --all option. """ if D is None: D = {} return self.db["nodes"].find( { "cls": "cFunc", "val.calls": {"$elemMatch": {"$regex": ref}}, }.update(D) )