Source code for core

from collections import OrderedDict
from ccrawl import formatters
from ccrawl.utils import struct_letters, c_type, cxx_type
from ccrawl.db import where

[docs]class ccore(object): """ Generic class dedicated to a collected object, used as parent class for all C/C++ items collected by ccrawl: - typedef - struct - union - enum - macro - func - class - template - namespace Attributes: formatter (function): a function used to print the object in various formats. _cache_ (dict): a global (parent class level) dict of all types that have been fetched from the database so far. """ _is_typedef = False _is_struct = False _is_union = False _is_enum = False _is_macro = False _is_func = False _is_class = False _is_template = False _is_namespace = False formatter = None _cache_ = {}
[docs] def show(self, db=None, r=None, form=None): """ Generic method that possibly defines and ultimately calls the internal formatter function. Attributes: db [opt] (Proxy): database used in recursive mode """ if (not self.formatter) or form: self.set_formatter(form) return self.formatter(db, r)
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): """ Generic method that fetches recursively from the given database all other types on which this type depends. The method is recursive in the sense that all subtypes are unfolded as well until they only depend on primitive types (int, short, float, etc.) """ self.subtypes = OrderedDict() return self
[docs] def build(self, db): """ Generic method for building a ctypes instance for this type. Basically just a wrapper for the :mod:`ctypes_`.build function. Parameters: db (Proxy): database used to get any other type on which this type depends. """ self.unfold(db) from ccrawl.ext import ctypes_ return, db)
[docs] def add_subtype(self, db, elt, limit=None): """ Generic method that fetches item 'elt' from the database and adds it to the subtypes of this type before unfolding it. """ x = ccore._cache_.get(elt, None) if x is None: data = db.get(where("id") == elt) if data: x = ccore.from_db(data) ccore._cache_[elt] = x else: self.subtypes[elt] = None return self.subtypes[elt] = x.unfold(db, limit)
[docs] def graph(self,db,V=None,g=None): """ Generic method that returns the types-dependency graph associated with this type. Basically just a wrapper for the function. Parameters: db (Proxy): database used to get any other type on which this type depends. """ from ccrawl.graphs import build return build(self,db,V,g)
[docs] @classmethod def set_formatter(cls, form): """ Selects the formatter to be used for the entire class from the available :mod:`formatters`. Parameters: form (str): name of a module in the formatters sub-package. If the module is not found, 'raw' is used. """ ff = "{}_{}".format(cls.__name__, form) try: cls.formatter = getattr(formatters, ff) except AttributeError: cls.formatter = formatters.default
@staticmethod def getcls(name): if name == "cTypedef": return cTypedef if name == "cStruct": return cStruct if name == "cUnion": return cUnion if name == "cEnum": return cEnum if name == "cMacro": return cMacro if name == "cFunc": return cFunc if name == "cClass": return cClass if name == "cTemplate": return cTemplate if name == "cNamespace": return cNamespace
[docs] def to_db(self, identifier, tag, src): """ Generic method that returns a list of database-insertable "documents" for the current item. """ doc = { "id": identifier, "val": self, "cls": self.__class__.__name__, "src": src, } if tag: doc["tag"] = tag data = [doc] if hasattr(self, "local"): for i, x in iter(self.local.items()): if x: data.extend(x.to_db(i, tag, identifier)) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def from_db(data): """ Generic method that returns a specialized ccore instance from a given document data usually obtained from the database. Parameters: data (dict): must have "id", "cls" and "val" keys where cls is one of the below ccore specialized class name. """ identifier = data["id"] val = ccore.getcls(data["cls"])(data["val"]) val.identifier = identifier val.subtypes = None return val
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[docs]class cTypedef(str, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'str' representing a C/C++ typedef. Attributes: identifier: the new typename associated to this typedef. """ _is_typedef = True
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None, ctx=None): """ Unfolding a typedef simply adds its underlying type definition to subtypes. """ if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() ctype = c_type(self) if limit != None: if limit <= 0 and ctype.is_ptr: return self elt = ctype.lbase if elt not in struct_letters: if limit: limit -= 1 self.add_subtype(db, elt, limit) return self
def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other)
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[docs]class cStruct(list, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'list' representing a C struct. Attributes: identifier: the typename associated to this C struct. Items of the list represent fields of the structure and are formatted as triplet of the form (t,n,c) where - t is a string that represents the type the field - n is a string that represents the name of the field - c is a string that represents a comment for the field """ _is_struct = True
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): """ Unfolding a struct adds all its fields' types to subtypes. """ if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() T = list(struct_letters.keys()) T.append(self.identifier) for (t, n, c) in self: ctype = c_type(t) if limit != None: if limit <= 0 and ctype.is_ptr: continue elt = ctype.lbase if elt not in T: T.append(elt) if limit: limit -= 1 self.add_subtype(db, elt, limit) return self
def index_of(self,n): i=0 for f in self: if f[1]==n: return i i += 1 return None def __eq__(self, other): return list(self) == list(other)
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[docs]class cClass(list, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'list' representing a C++ class. Attributes: identifier: the name associated to this C++ class. Items of the list represent attributes of the class and are formatted as triplet of the form (x,y,z) where - x is a tuple (q,t) where q is a "parent", "using" or "virtual" keyword and t is "virtual" or a type name, - y is a tuple (mn,n) where mn is the mangled name and n is the full name of the class attribute, - z is a tuple (p,c) where p is a "public"/"protected"/"private"/"friend" indicator and c is a string that represents a comment. """ _is_class = True
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() T = list(struct_letters.keys()) T.append(self.identifier) for (x, y, _) in self: qal, t = x mn, n = y if qal == "parent": elt = [n] elif qal == "using": elt = t else: if mn or ("virtual" in qal): continue elt = cxx_type(t) elt = elt.show_base(kw=True, ns=True) elt = [elt] for e in elt: if e not in T: T.append(e) self.add_subtype(db, e, limit) return self
[docs] def build(self, db): from ccrawl.ext import ctypes_ x = self.as_cStruct(db) x.unfold(db) return, db)
[docs] def cStruct_build_info(self, db): """Defines the structure layout for this class, according to the gcc cxx ABI for virtual classes. The returned value is a triplet, (vptr, M, V) where - vptr is a virtual indicator, - M is the list of non-virtual fields, - V is the ordered dict of virtual fields. This triplet is used to create a cStruct instance that correspond to an instance of this C++ class in memory. """ self.unfold(db) M, V = [], OrderedDict() vptr = 0 # iterate over classes' fields for (x, y, _) in self: qal, t = x mn, n = y # we don't care about scope & comments # we start by handling parent classes: if qal == "parent": n = cxx_type(n) nn = n.show_base() name = n.show_base(True, True) x = ccore._cache_.get(name, None) try: if x._is_typedef: x = ccore._cache_.get(x, None) except Exception: pass if x is None: raise TypeError("unkown type '%s'" % n) assert x._is_class # get layout of the parent class: vtbl, m, v = x.cStruct_build_info(db) if t == "virtual": vptr = 2 if nn not in V: V[nn] = (vtbl, m) else: if vtbl: vptr += vtbl if len(m) > 0: if not m[0][1].startswith("__vptr"): t = cxx_type("void *") M.append((t, "__vptr$%s" % nn)) M.extend(m) V.update(v) elif qal == "using": continue elif "virtual" in qal: vptr = 1 else: t = cxx_type(t) if not t.is_method: M.append((t, n)) return (vptr, M, V)
[docs] def as_cStruct(self, db): """ Creates a cStruct instance that correspond to this C++ class, according the gcc cxx ABI for virtual classes. """ if self.identifier.startswith("union "): x = cUnion() else: x = cStruct() name = cxx_type(self.identifier) x.identifier = "struct __layout$%s"%(name.show_base(kw=False,ns=True)) # now get the structure information for this class: x.subtypes = None vptr, M, V = self.cStruct_build_info(db) if len(M) > 0 and vptr: if not M[0][1].startswith("__vptr"): n = cxx_type(self.identifier) x.append(("void *", "__vptr$%s" % n.show_base(), "")) for t, n in M: x.append((, n, "")) for nn, v in V.items(): vptr, m = v if vptr: x.append(("void *", "__vptr$%s" % nn, "")) for t, n in m: x.append((, n, "")) return x
[docs] def has_virtual_members(self): """ Returns True if the C++ class has virtual members. """ for x, _, _ in self: qal, t = x if "virtual" in qal: return True return False
[docs] def base_specifier_list(self): """ Returns the list of C++ parent (possibly virtual) classes. """ spe = [] for x, y, z in self: qal, t = x if "parent" in qal: mn, n = y n = cxx_type(n) p, _ = z s = "" if t: s += " virtual" s += " %s %s" % (p.lower(), n.show_base()) spe.append(s) if len(spe) > 0: return " :" + (",".join(spe)) else: return ""
def __eq__(self, other): return list(self) == list(other)
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[docs]class cUnion(list, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'list' representing a C union. """ _is_union = True
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() T = list(struct_letters.keys()) T.append(self.identifier) for (t, n, c) in self: ctype = c_type(t) if limit != None: if limit <= 0 and ctype.is_ptr: continue elt = ctype.lbase if elt not in T: T.append(elt) if limit: limit -= 1 self.add_subtype(db, elt, limit) return self
def index_of(self,n): i=0 for f in self: if f[1]==n: return i i += 1 return None def __eq__(self, other): return list(self) == list(other)
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[docs]class cEnum(dict, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'dict' representing a C enum. """ _is_enum = True
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[docs]class cMacro(str, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'str' representing a C macro. """ _is_macro = True
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[docs]class cFunc(dict, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'dict' representing a C/C++ function. """ _is_func = True def restype(self): t = c_type(self["prototype"]) if len(t.pstack)>0: t.pstack.pop() return def argtypes(self): t = c_type(self["prototype"]) if len(t.pstack)>0: return t.pstack[-1].args return []
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() T = list(struct_letters.keys()) rett = self.restype() args = self.argtypes() args.insert(0, rett) for t in args: elt = c_type(t).lbase if elt not in T: T.append(elt) self.add_subtype(db, elt) return self
def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other)
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[docs]class cTemplate(dict, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'dict' representing a C++ template. """ _is_template = True def get_basename(self): if self.get("partial_specialization", False): return self.identifier i = self.identifier.rfind("<") assert i > 0 return self.identifier[:i] def get_template(self): return "<%s>" % (",".join(self["params"]))
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[docs]class cNamespace(list, ccore): """ Specialized ccore class that is also a 'list' representing a C++ namespace. """ _is_namespace = True
[docs] def unfold(self, db, limit=None): if self.subtypes is None: self.subtypes = OrderedDict() T = list(struct_letters.keys()) T.append(self.identifier) for elt in self: self.add_subtype(db, elt) return self
def __eq__(self, other): return list(self) == list(other)