Source code for conf

import os
import clang.cindex

from traitlets.config import Configurable
from traitlets.config import PyFileConfigLoader
from traitlets import Unicode, Bool, observe

__version__ = "1.10"

# default clang library file: NOT REQUIRED for >libclang-12
# if == 'posix':
#    clang_library_file = '/usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/'
# else:
#    clang_library_file = 'libclang-12.dll'

# ccrawl globals:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

config = None

DEBUG = False
QUIET = False
  ___ ___ _ __ __ ___      _| |
 / __/ __| '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / |
| (_| (__| | | (_| |\ V  V /| |
 \___\___|_|  \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| v%s
    % __version__

# ccrawl configuration:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Terminal(Configurable): "Configurable parameters related to ui/output" debug = Bool(DEBUG, config=True) # don't show debug output verbose = Bool(VERBOSE, config=True) # don't show verbose output quiet = Bool(QUIET, config=True) # don't show no output console = Unicode( "python", config=True ) # use python interpreter is interactive mode banner = Unicode(BANNER) # show above banner timer = Bool(False, config=True) # don't time file parsing @observe("debug") def _debug_changed(self, change): global DEBUG DEBUG = change["new"] @observe("verbose") def _verbose_changed(self, change): global VERBOSE VERBOSE = change["new"] @observe("quiet") def _quiet_changed(self, change): global QUIET QUIET = change["new"]
[docs]class Database(Configurable): "Configurable parameters related to the database" local = Unicode( "/tmp/ccrawl.db", config=True ) # local tiny database defaults to /tmp/ccrawl.db url = Unicode("mongodb://localhost:27017", config=True) # use mongodb server localonly = Bool(False, config=True) # use local even if a mongodb server is defined user = Unicode("", config=True) # don't define a mongodb user verify = Bool(True, config=True) # don't authenticate mongodb user
[docs]class Collect(Configurable): "Configurable parameters related to the collect command" strict = Bool(False, config=True) # don't block on missing headers/types cxx = Bool(True, config=True) # try detecting c++ inputs skipcxx = Bool(True, config=True) # ignore detected c++ files when cxx is False allc = Bool(False, config=True) # parse everything including function bodies tmp = Unicode() # don't change temp directory lib = Unicode("", config=True) # allow to choose clang_library_file @observe("lib") def _lib_changed(self, change): clang.cindex.Config.library_file = change["new"]
[docs]class Formats(Configurable): "Configurable parameters related to formatters" default = Unicode("C", config=True) # show results formatted as C code callcon = Unicode("cdecl", config=True) # assume cdecl calling convention
[docs]class Ghidra(Configurable): "Configurable parameters related to ghidra" manager = Unicode("program", config=True) # use ghidra_bridge on currentProgram category = Unicode("ccrawl", config=True) # import types into ccrawl category
[docs]class Config(object): """Main configuration class that reads the given file (defaults to ~/.ccrawlrc) as a traitlets config format and fills the *Configurable* instances. Also adds the __str__ method to print the entire configuration. See :doc:`configuration` for details on configurable parameters. """ def __init__(self, f=None): if f is None: f = ".ccrawlrc" self.f = f cl = PyFileConfigLoader(filename=f, path=(".", os.getenv("HOME"))) try: c = cl.load_config() except Exception: c = None self.Terminal = Terminal(config=c) self.Database = Database(config=c) self.Collect = Collect(config=c) self.Formats = Formats(config=c) self.Ghidra = Ghidra(config=c) self.src = c if self.Collect.lib: clang.cindex.Config.library_file = self.Collect.lib def __str__(self): s = [] for c in filter( lambda x: isinstance(getattr(self, x), Configurable), dir(self) ): pfx = "c.%s" % c c = getattr(self, c) for t in c.trait_names(): if t in ("config", "parent"): continue s.append("{}.{}: {}".format(pfx, t, getattr(c, t))) return u"\n".join(s)